Mental Health Support

The mental health of our athletes is a priority within our organization. Due to the pressures of everyday life, social media and the struggles caused by COVID our children are faced with a higher level of stress and pressures that many of us did not have to endure.
It is important for our families to have the support needed when there is a child in need of mental support and nurturing.
We are fortunate to have a close WAA family member with the training needed to help those in need.
I am introducing you to Mental Health Counselor Angie Kosnoski. Angie and I have forged a strong trusting relationship over the past 6 years and I am lucky to call her a friend. If you find anyone in your circle in need of mental support please reach out to her for guidance. I have included her introduction below.
Go Time Athletics and Washington Athletic Academy does not benefit financially nor is Angie an employee of our company. She is an independent Mental Health Counselor that I want to help promote in the chance that one of our family members needs help. Please feel free to reach out to her for more information.
I am a Mental Health Counselor currently working through my counseling internship and am passionate about helping adults, adolescents and teenagers. My approach to therapy is supportive, collaborative, and empathetic. I believe in creating a safe, non-judgmental space where clients can openly share their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. I welcome seeing clients of all ages, and I am especially passionate about helping adolescents and teenagers, as they face so many challenges and transitions as they grow. I am working with a supervisor that has over twenty years of experience and she and I review all of my cases to ensure my clients are getting the best care. I am using office space at 6407 Fauntleroy Way SW in West Seattle on Mondays and Wednesdays for in-person sessions, and telehealth options all weekdays, evenings, and some weekends, as well. Each one-hour session is $30.
I've included my website for sharing and additional information. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions!
Kind regards,
Angie Kosnoski
Peace & Clarity Therapy
WFA, SVA & WBA Group Training with Athletic Trainer La'auli Fonoti for High School Players 14 to 18 year olds.
- Mondays & Fridays Starting February 12th -March 8th at Go Time Athletics Georgetown
- Time for the first 8 sessions are
4:00pm - 5:00pm. SIGN UP HERE
5:00pm - 6:00pm. SIGN UP HERE
6:00pm - 7:00pm. SIGN UP HERE
7:00pm - 8:00pm. SIGN UP HERE
- First 15 players to sign -up will have a spot..
- Cost is $350 for each player paid in advance to Go Time Athletics.
This training focuses on quick twitch muscle training, core strength and balance.
We want our players to become better athletes by increasing speed, agility and strength.
Some of the players have experienced his training and we want to bring it to all of our high school athletes.
This is a serious program for serious athletes.
Only register if you are committed to come to all of the sessions
Coach Fonoti only wants athletes who are positive and serious about becoming a better athlete through hard work.